Astonishing pothole stats for Kent town

A shocking number of potholes have needed to be fixed throughout Ashford so far in 2019, it has been revealed.

Figures show that more than 5,000 have been filled throughout the district, up to Friday, June 28 this calendar year.

Kent County Council is responsible for most of the roads in Kent except motorways and trunk roads, which belong to Highways England.

A spokesperson said: “Like all highway authorities across the country, KCC has a duty of care to maintain its highways.

“It is important to note that these are ongoing repairs and will continue throughout the coming months.”


Ashford High Street. Picture: D-G-Seamon

Nearly 25,000sqm of repairs have taken place in the town, with Kent as a whole needing to have over 43,000 individual holes fixed.

It means the county has already smashed its 2018 numbers with over half of the year still remaining.

With an average of 28 fixed a day, KCC added that there is no reason why Ashford is having more potholes fixed than other places in the county.

“Funding for pothole repairs in districts across the county is the same and no district has more money for repairs than another,” they said.

“Each pothole repair costs the council a different amount of money, and factors, such as whether their needs to be traffic management while repairs take place, will affect how far the budget stretches.”

Maidstone has currently had the most potholes fixed since January, with more than 6,500 holes filled, and 106,000sqm of repairs needed.

National clean-up campaign hits Ashford

25th March 2019

The Great British Spring Clean has made a successful start in Ashford this week, as it began its one month environment campaign.

Billed as the year of the environment, boroughs across the country are trying to promote and protect the planet by taking part in a range of campaigns and initiatives aimed at tackling issues like litter and reducing pollution.

Taking place from 22nd March – 23rd April, the Great British Spring Clean’s campaign will allow residents to get involved in litter picking throughout their town, making the environment a safer, attractive and cleaner place.

Councillor Clair Bell is the portfolio holder for Environment and Land Management in the town, and she believes the Spring Clean will only encourage people to get involved.

She said: “The Great British Spring Clean started this month and it has already proved very popular and successful.

“There have been 15 volunteer litter picks already organised for March and April, with an estimated 280 volunteer litter pickers hitting the streets of Ashford to make them a cleaner and safer place to live.

“In addition, our Ashford in Bloom competition will be relaunched this spring in celebration of the Year of the Environment- encouraging our residents to take pride in their gardens and enhancing Ashford’s beauty.”

Copyright: Keep Britain Tidy

Other areas that she believes will benefit include wildlife and plastic waste, all of which will raise awareness throughout the borough.

She added: “We’re very excited about the projects which are currently underway and which are planned for the rest of the year, covering a large range of environmental issues including plastic waste, littering, gardening and active transport.

“These collaborative projects will raise awareness of important environmental issues, as well as influence behaviour change with the residents of Ashford and therefore benefit the borough in various ways.

“We believe this year provides an opportunity to generate and drive Ashford’s continued motivation to reduce our waste and litter, to engage with our wildlife and the environment and to live more sustainably.”

The Spring Clean will take place until 23rd April