Historic cathedral to get major revamp

9th April 2019

Canterbury Cathedral has been awarded a major grant that will allow it to undertake essential repair work to its South Quire Tribune roof and Quire gutters, it has been announced.

The environmental company Viridor Credits is an independent organisation that provides funding for community, heritage and biodiversity projects throughout the UK, and they will begin work on the historical landmark in the upcoming weeks.

Operations manager for Viridor Credits Gareth Williams, said: “It’s vitally important to protect and conserve our wonderful heritage. Viridor Credits is excited to, once again, be involved with the great work being carried out at Canterbury Cathedral.”

The Quire roof and gutters will be improved. Photo: Canterbury Cathedral

Work is due to begin later this month, and it will ensure that the fabric of the 12th century Quire remains a safe area of the cathedral that people can continue to view, whether it is locals, tourists, or musicians performing in it.

Once completed, the repair work will allow the Cathedral to continue welcoming people to be a part of its creative community within the safe and weather-tight historic Quire.

Director of Works Mark Sharratt said: “We are hugely grateful for the generous donation made by Viridor Credits which will enable the Cathedral to carry out vital repairs to the Quire roof.

“Canterbury Cathedral relies on donations such as this to protect its precious fabric and to conserve and maintain its 1,400 year legacy of social and architectural history.”

The news comes just weeks after the Cathedral revealed they were the recipients of a Stone Cross loaned to them to commemorate the Armenian Massacre that took place exactly 100 years ago.

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